Post-process Smarter ebook

What's it about?

Post-processing is a vital part of digital photography, yet it is still frequently misunderstood or not understood fully. We learn techniques, but we don’t know Why we need them or When we should apply them. 

Post-procces Smarter is about creating images that aren’t just beautiful or have the wow factor. The ebook will help you communicate stories and feelings through the way you post-process your images. It's a foundation, a guide to post-processing with thought and intent. 

The ebook is free. The points it raises should be compulsory knowledge for anyone interested in working with digital photography today.

Put an end to awful post-processing

Horribly post-processed photographs are everywhere. Even professionals are having their photos disqualified from important competitions for over-processing their work. 

So much of the awful post-processing can be avoided. We just need to pause and to consider some of the questions that I touch on in this ebook. 

The ebook is free. The points it raises should be compulsory knowledge for anyone interested in working with digital photography today. There should be no excuse for not knowing the fundamentals. 


Here are just some of the topics covered

  • Why should we post-process?
  • Post-processing with thought and intent.
  • Questions to ask ourselves before post-processing a photograph.
  • Exposing with post-processing in mind.
  • Should you use presets?
  • What software to use?