Photography workshops are EXPENSIVE. The costs are from USD $2,500 - USD $10,000. But, here's the truth. Despite what you pay, getting total access to a serious, pro photographer is very uncommon. Anyone who's been on a workshop can tell you. It’s also rare that a photographer will show you all their images. Even more rare is getting in-depth explanations behind all their creative decisions.


You can spend thousands, but the educational value of a workshop doesn’t compare to a resource like this.

I'm not anti-workshop, but let's say you are going to spend all that money. Wouldn’t it make sense to be as prepared as possible? Imagine your next photo trip. Now imagine you're armed with actionable knowledge. You come back with something that makes you happy. And if you weren't prepared? You've got no images to be proud of. All that money you spent. It's like you flushed it down the toilet.

Why listen to me?

Besides the winning images here, dozens of magazines have published my work. From Nat Geo Traveler to Vanity Fair. Prints of my photos hang in embassies and in museums. I'm also a Panasonic Lumix Ambassador. I won't go on. Not one to toot my own horn. Not the point here.

The point is, you'll be learning from a photographer with a proven track-record in making powerful images. I don't only know how to teach photography. It makes a world of difference. You can have the confidence that what I'm teaching you works.

Of course, even the best photographers can be bad teachers. You should make sure that this isn't the case here. I encourage you to read the testimonials about this educational resource down the page.