
“Seeing the Light”: Making the most of available light and minimal equipment – the eBook

cover At long last here it is, my new eBook on working with light! I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. You can see some sample screen grabs below and HERE you can download the sample PDF (845kb).

You can buy it HERE or click on the title image. The price is again US$12. After payment you’ll be automatically taken to the download link.

I wanted this eBook to be useful for photographers of different levels, from those who have just begun to understand how critical light is to photography, to the more experienced individuals ready to dive into the world of artificial lighting and try new things.

The information inside should be relevant to anyone who’s passionate about light, but wants to stay compact – that includes travel and documentary photographers, wedding photographers, portrait photographers and even low-budget commercial shooters.

In short here’s what the readers will learn after going through the eBook:

  • How to create “believable” looking artificial light with a single off camera flash in a softbox or with a reflector
  • How to get the most out of available light – with and without the help of artificial light
  • Gain a deeper understanding of natural light and how it can be used creatively, even in challenging situations
  • How to “sculpt” with artificial and natural light
  • How to light scenes with a flash without killing the existing atmospheric light

All you need to purchase the eBook is HERE.

page1List and explanations of my equipment

page02Breaking down images with descriptions and diagrams

page03 Comparison - Images taken with a flash and without

page04 Diagrams for working with the reflector

page05 Sample images taken under natural light with complete Exif data

If you like the e-book or know photographers who may find it useful – please spread the word. As with the previous eBook all the income from this will be used for good :) – i.e. photography and more travel, which will also result in more photography and more viewing pleasure for the readers of this blog. :)

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