Eastern Europe Tour for Panasonic

Myself and Jacob James will be going around some cities in Eastern Europe as part of the Lumix G80 launch tour. We'll talk about our photography, the Romania project we shot for Panasonic and there will be a Q + A. At the end, we'll have a hands-on workshop kinda thing.

Below are the venues and the times. Some times are not set yet, but, come back here. I'll update the information as soon as I know. 

Locations and dates

18-Oct Foto Skoda, Prague 17:00-20:00
19-Oct Megapixel, Prague 15:00-18:30
21-Oct Photosynthesis, Sofia 19:00-22:00
22-Oct Photopavilion, Sofia  11:00-13:00
24-Oct Bucharest TBC
26-Oct Fotoplus, Budapest TBC

I'd love to meet any of you who follow my blog and are around at this time.