Deconstructing a Photograph - a Video — Mitchell Kanashkevich - Traditions, culture, travel photography

Deconstructing a Photograph - a Video

I'm trying something different today. I've always considered that one of the best ways to learn photography is through looking at images and deconstructing them, or if possible, finding out the story behind them from the photographer. It is not so often that a photographer goes "behind the scenes" but I suspect that there should be some curious folks out there, who like me would love to see that kind of stuff.

After putting the idea out there on my Facebook page, it seemed that quite a few of you agreed. You voted on one of my images (out of four) that you wanted me to talk about, and, here it is, in a little video.

This is very much an experiment, a bit of a learning experience for me. I think I probably speak a bit too fast in parts and I might suck at this, for all I know. So, any comments and suggestions are totally appreciated and encouraged. I really want to know what you folks think.

If you like the video, spread the word - "like" the post, tweet it, share it on Facebook, whatever you're into. :)

Well, that's enough written words, check out the video. :)